

News and Announcements

You will find information about new product lines, specials, and anything else new and exciting related to Avenue Rental and Sales

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The winner of the drawing for a 1-day rental of a Kubota Skid Steer with a Halverson Wood Processor attachment is Matt Handey!

But, we aren't finished there! Keep checking the News and Announcements page on our website and follow us on Facebook to see what future drawings we offer and don't forget to stop by our shop at 1501 Valley Avenue in Challis.

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Halverson Wood Processors For Sale or Rent

Halverson HP-140 and HP-130 Wood Processor attachments for skid steer: For Sale or For Rent at Avenue Rental and Sales. Get ready in minutes to process your firewood with this amazing Halverson Wood Processor. Enjoy the warmth and comfort from the cab of the skid steer while the Halverson Processor does the hard work. This processor will process logs up to 10 feet in length and 16 inches in diameter